Sunday, April 26, 2009

Dahlia Tubors?

I just bought three Dahlia's, I know it is too early to plant them.

Should I take them out of the plastic bag and plant in pot until the frost is over or what?

It could be another six weeks before I can plant with safety

Dahlia Tubors?
I wouldn't plant them inside unless you have a sun room or something..they will get very spindly. But if you think you must, just pinch the growth back by a third to two thirds (depending on how tall they are..)when you plant so they bush out more. They should be alright left in the bags in a cool dark place.
Reply:If you want to put them in potting soil, in individual pots, that is fine, otherwise leave them as they are, - they would have stayed that way in the store after all, if you had NOT bought them.!!

After danger of frpst is passed, then they will have agout 2 inches of shooty bit on them and that needs planting carefully.

Peopel do the indoor planting on dahlias since then they find out which ones have died over the winter in the basement.
Reply:I think if you want to plant them early the best thing to do is plant them inside till mid spring then transplant them to the ground.
Reply:Hi Spam.

You can plant your tubers when you like. If you think about it they're gonna get a lot colder sat in pots with a bit of frozen compost around them than they would in the ground.

You just need to ensure that they're not sat in sodden wet soil for too long. Rot is the biggest Dahlia killer. That said I've grown Dahlias in wet clay and not lost them. You're more likely to loose them to slugs and snails. Plant them in some well drained soil and leave them alone, they'll be fine.

Don't believe all this bunk about having to lift them and store them under the bench in the greenhouse. If you do you'll have to protect them from mice and powder them to keep the mould off.

I hope you have a beautiful display of flowers this year.

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