Sunday, April 26, 2009

Growing a dahlia?

My husband got a dahlia (in a pot) as a thank you from his school. I would love to plant it outside, but I don't know where. Does it like full sun? Partial shade? Full shade? Does it need a lot of water? Thank you.

Growing a dahlia?
dahlias prefer sun. after you plant it it shuld be well watered and then keep an eye on it and ensure it is kept damp until you see new growth.

It is a good idea to pick the blooms or at least pick them off after they have flowered as this will encourage more flowers.

Depending where you live you may need to dig them up in the fall as they will die if the ground freezes.
Reply:Yes, they need full sun and good drainage. Put some rocks at the bottom of the hole. also, pinch the gowing tips a few times, so they become bushier. You will have to stake them if are the tubers are the kind that grow tall. They are not hardy in some zones, so if you want to save them for next year, dig them after the foliage dies back in fall. Store them in peat in your garage or basement. around forty degrees. I love dahlias!
Reply:Full sun. Dahlias are fair game to snails, so use a good snail bait. The bulbs multiply %26amp; can be separated every few years. Good luck.
Reply:dalia's need full sun and if you pick off the dead blooms they will eventually group together. they don't need a whole lot of water. good luck...

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