Monday, November 16, 2009

Read this Poem By: Dahlia Ravikovitch?


I tell you, even rocks crack,

and not because of age.

For years they lie on thier backs

in the heat and the cold,

so many years,

it seems peaceful.

They dont move, so the cracks stay hidden.

A kind of pride.

Years pass over them, waiting there.

Whoever is going to shatter them

hasn't come yet.

And so the moss flourishes, the seaweed whips around,

the sea pushes through and rolls back---

the rocks seem motionless.

And suddently the rock has an open wound.

I told you, when rocks break, it happens by surprise.

And people, too

Can you tell me:

*Rocks are usually a symbol of strength and invulnerbility, yet rocks have crackd. What aspect of human nature do you think the poet is comparing to these cracks?

* The poet descibes the natural forces that act on the rocks. How do you think the poet sees this as similar, in some way, to human experience?

Read this Poem By: Dahlia Ravikovitch?
As it says in the title...pride. The Bible says that pride goes before a downfall. We can hide our pride for awhile and do okay, but eventually it will show and cause us to fall. This is what happens to many in power, both in politics and religion. When they become successful (rich and influential) the pride causes them to think that they are above the law. They do wrong and get caught, then...bam!...down they fall. The cracks can also be some hidden hurts from past wounds which their pride thinks that they have under control. One day someone pushes that button and wham! an explosion they may not even understand causes a chain reaction that brings them down.

I think the natural forces are the ebbs and flows of daily life. We all experience ups and downs, days of joy and days of sorrow, good times with friends as well as the death of loved ones, being loved and being betrayed. Eventually, the toll of life will show what character a person has. If there are hidden faults they begin to show and then that person begins to fall apart.

I believe there is hope for such a one though. Repentance and forgiveness, inner healing and humility which is the opposite of pride.

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